Page 26 - Leap Evaluation Report 2018
P. 26

2.8 What is Leap’s Toolkit in 2017/2018?
Leap’s toolkit in 2014 – 2017 centres on the three themes of education, empowerment and social change. The evaluation has shown there is a clear process in the trajectory of Leap as identified in the themes of education, empowerment and social change. These are further explained in the table below:
Identified themes of the Leap toolkit
Greater personal agency leading to Social Change
Consist of
Changing Perceptions about disability.
Instilling hope often for the first time.
Building conditions for a ‘good life’ for people and families.
Creating the link between experience and learning and bringing to range of forums.
Building a personal network.
Sharing positive outcomes with range of stakeholders.
Understanding of new perspectives such as SRV.
Empowering people and families with the knowledge and skills to create change.
Leadership on change agency around relevant legislation such as individualised funding.
Leap’s navigation of change rooted in educational perspectives.
Facilitating planning sessions with people and families around a ‘good life’.
Ability to bring lived experiences into social policy discussions and make impact.
Standout points
Liberation from old to new ways of seeing and self-knowledge.
Hope for the future equipped with skills and information.
Impact at level of individual/ community integration.
Connects to 24
Experience is valued and used to inform action.
Sense of Self and personal agency renewed.
A greater understanding and appreciation of the significance of relationships, belonging and valued social roles.

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