Page 11 - Leap Evaluation Report 2018
P. 11

Data Collection Tools
Data Collection
There were two surveys designed to engage people and families (Survey
1) and Professionals (Survey 2) who have at some point engaged with Leap. These surveys could provide a framework for ongoing consultation within Leap as recommended in part 3.
Survey 1 (appendix 1)
Survey 1 was designed for people
and families and the questions were designed in consultation with Leap. This best practice approach to survey design was to ensure that the questions were relevant, the language appropriate and reflective of people’s experiences.
Survey 2 (appendix 2)
Survey 2 was designed for professionals and those in roles to support people and families. The survey was designed to capture their working experiences and understandings around disability.
Telephone interviews
Telephone interviews were loosely designed around the themes of the survey information. Participants for telephone interviews did not fill in
the survey as we were keen to ensure the data collection represented
single respondents. However, the interviews were open-ended, and the researcher encouraged story-telling and information sharing around experiences.
One to one interviews
One to one interviews followed the same format as above with the added benefit of the researcher being present with
the respondent and being able to be present and pick up on body language.
Feedback sheets
Feedback sheets were all anonymous and provided a wide range of open comments and thoughts from workshop participants.
The evaluation was designed to complement the work of Leap and enhance the material already within Leap’s toolkit. The choice of surveys, telephone interviews and one to
one interviews incorporated both quantitative and qualitative outcomes to ensure a broad scope of understanding.
Assessment of Impact of Activities
Themes Identified
Diagram 1.2c shows the process of analysis during this evaluation

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