We are now opening registration for our Leadership for Inclusion Series 2024.

The Leadership for Inclusion Series is a three month Family Leadership Training held over three weekends. Participants must be available for all of the following dates:

September 27th – 29th

October 25th – 27th

November 22nd – 24th

The Leadership for Inclusion Series is designed for families, parents, siblings and other family members who are committed to community inclusion and want to deepen their understanding of inclusion and be part of a movement creating change.

This is an amazing opportunity for families connected to Leap and we are honoured that Inclusion Alberta have agreed to share their series developed over twenty years with us.

There are a limited number of places available for families who are pursuing an inclusive life for their family member. This series will greatly assist you on your inclusion journey.

The cost for the Leadership Series is €600 per family and each family

Acton is a parent who has been involved with Inclusion Alberta extensively over the past 20 years in a multitude of volunteer capacities including President. The Acton Family lives just outside of Lloydminster, Alberta. As a family they operate Acton’s Lower Shannon Farms. Robin has worked in Medical Affairs for the Prairie North Health Region, was the Director of Community Initiatives for Inclusion Alberta, and has also worked as a consultant in the area of organizational training and leadership development with a variety of organizations in private, public and not for profit sectors. Robin is a Past-president of the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce, an active Rotarian, an avid golfer and active volunteer in her community. Currently, Robin is in her second term as President of Inclusion Canada, where she has been instrumental in championing Inclusion Canada’s initiative in family leadership development and movement building. Robin, and her husband John, are parents of three children, the oldest of whom, Erin, now 34, has a developmental disability.

If you would like to reserve two places for your family on the Leadership for Inclusion Series, please reply to this email by the 19th

August with the names of people who would like to attend.

If you would like more information or to speak to us, please call Rachel on 087 6130165 or email leapireland@gmail.com