In light of the recommendations contained in the Value for Money Disability Policy Review and the Policy directive outlined in the Dept of Health Future Health Report the possibility of personalisation is moving ever closer for people with disabilities and their families.

LEAP in association with Inclusion Ireland invite you to our workshop Creating Sustainable Lives-Examining support options and personalisation from a family perspective. Click here for more information.  Spend the day with ourselves, Inclusion Ireland and Caroline Tomlinson, a parent who, in frustration with the system in the UK went about setting up her own personalised supports for her son and in doing so was instrumental in changing how supports and services are funded in England.

Take a look at the link below and see just how impressive Caroline’s story is.

We will also be discussing personalised supports and services in the Irish context looking at what families are already doing in terms of personalised supports here in Ireland and where we might go next.

The workshop takes place in the Mullingar Park Hotel from 10am to 4pm. Download Booking form here