In our February webinar ‘Safeguarding the Future’, on the 19th February from 11am-12.30pm, Margaret and Jeremy Ward address the importance of vision when planning for the future. People with an intellectual disability and people with autism often rely on family, friends or advocates to provide safeguards around their quality of life and prevent bad things from happening, especially when they have difficulty communicating. Jeremy and Margaret Ward are parents from Brisbane, whose eldest daughter, Mena, lived with disability and required support to live in her own home, which she did successfully for over 10 years. Jeremy and Margaret have many years’ experience in disability advocacy, in the law as it relates to people with disabilities, and in assisting families to plan for the future. Jeremy is the author of ‘The Shouted Goodbye’, Jeremy’s account of Mena’s life, which was published in 2015. To register for this event please click onto this link: shares