The Leadership for Inclusion Series consists of three weekends over six months and is designed for families, parents, siblings and other family members who are committed to community inclusion, want to deepen their understanding of inclusion and be part of a movement creating change. This series of workshops helps families and their allies learn more about how to create change for more welcoming and inclusive communities.
The first weekend of the Leadership for Inclusion Series took place this weekend in the Clayton Hotel, Galway with a great group of families. We very much enjoyed the opportunity to come together with these families to share knowledge and experience and to learn alongside each other. We were honoured to have Robin Acton, who has just completed her second term as President of Inclusion Canada, to lead out on the series. Robin is teaching the Leap leadership team how to deliver the Leadership for Inclusion Series so that we can offer it to other families in the future. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our Canadian colleagues.